Já que não tive oportunidade de postar mais nenhum look durante a semana, porque o meu namorado estava fora da cidade, aproveitei para o fazer hoje. Tentamos fotografar apesar de estar um tempo muito cinzento com uma luz muito má. Teve um sol tão bom durante a semana inteira e quando eu queria fotografar fica super nublado e a chover. Bom, ainda assim tive de deixar de ser picuinhas e postar algumas fotos apesar de não estarem como eu gosto. Não posso deixar de admitir que estava mesmo zangada e com mau humor enquanto estava a tirar as fotografias :P
Quanto ao conjunto de hoje, tive de voltar aos botins e a uma roupa menos fresca já que o tempo piorou um bocadinho outra vez. Espero que gostem e que tenham um óptimo fim de semana!
I didn't have a chance to post another look during this last week, because my photographer wasn't in town during the week. So today when we went out, we tried to shoot but the weather was so dark, grey and the light was awfull. During all week was sunny and such a great weather and when I decided to shoot it starts to rain. Well, even like this I had to stop being picky and post some pictures although they aren't as I usually like. I have to admit that I was pretty angry and with bad humor when I was taking these pictures.
About today's look, I had to wear boots and a little warmer clothes than my last look because of the weather. I hope you like it and have a great weekend!

What I'm wearing:
Jacket: Zara (old) (Similar here or here) | Sweater: Zara (old) (Similar here) | Jeans: Zara (old) (Similar here) | Boots: Zara (Similar here) | Scarf: Zara (old) (Similar here) | Bag: Michael Kors
Obrigada por lerem!
Thank you for reading!
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